Thursday, October 27, 2011

Give Me Something Good To Eat!

Halloween reared it's head in our neighborhood this evening.  Surprisingly very few children trudged up the lane to the Manor, but that just means all the candy purchased can go where it truly belongs: me.  It's not like I was completely without a costume.  My Guy Fawkes mask terrified my niece in an unintentional Burger King kind of way, so it counts.

Speaking of spooky, the strange posting schedule this week was largely due to a Gettysburg trip.  No matter how hard she tried, the real Head of Household couldn't convince me to go on a candlelight ghost hunt. I did, however, see a two hour long Halloween parade through their main street, complete with kickoff troubles due to a drunk driver needing to be arrested before they could proceed.  Luckily no one was hurt.  If they were injured, what looked to be an authentic Ghostbuster car (ECTO-1 to my nerds) could have rushed them to the nearest hospital.

Helping me through the boredom of waiting for trick-or-treaters this evening were the stack of comics I picked up, finally getting a second run of Batman #1 and it seems to be well worth the wait.  It's just very good to get back into collecting, now I'll need to start planning long-term storage...

Punch it, Chewie!

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