Tuesday, July 19, 2011

The Large Boom Equation

I must come clean with all of you: there wasn't another violence and video games study released.  It was a ploy I used to get the comic going.  Apologies to all.

I've also been burning through The Big Bang Theory's back episodes uncontrollably.  Before I know it hours have disappeared and I'm left wondering what happened.  For a sitcom, and one by Chuck Lorre to boot, it's got some really good moments.  It also helps that I get all of the nerdy references... to the point where I can point out where they're wrong (shame).

Going to keep the blog short tonight folks, I'm excited to get back to League of Legends and rip some faces.

While writing that last sentence, I experienced a ten second Deja Vu.  Either things are exactly how they should be, or I've literally done all of this before.  I'm going to keep my ego from shriveling to the size of a peanut and say it's the former.  Enjoy your evening and I'll catch you all again Thursday.

Punch it, Chewie!


Unknown said...

I love that show so much!

doodlepunks said...

If it didn't make me feel smarter by osmosis I'd hate the amount of time I spend watching it.