Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Feeling Sketchy

As you'll see, tonight was mainly testing out what a sketching/drawing app could be like for my tablet. While this is super rough, I think that it does actually count as a success since I was able to create something from scratch and have it here for mild consumption.

The app that I found is called SketchBook Pro and for only $1.99 seems to be a very powerful program. Just using it for a few minutes, the quick undo/redo and menu toolbars helped me do more digitally that I've ever been able to do so far.  As you can see, even for my standards this is low quality, but without a stylus I think this is actually pretty decent. While I have a tablet for my PC, being able to watch where my hand is moving on the iPad increased accuracy much more than I would have thought to be necessary.

I'll have to figure out an easy way to hybridize tonight's process for the future since this was pretty fun.

Punch it, Chewie!

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